Leadership Promotion? Use these 3 tips to create a positive impact!

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

Promotions are a fun and exciting time for you and the company you work for. Making a transition from individual contributor to a leader can be stressful time for everyone involved. Using these 3 tips will create an easy transition and will help obtain the trust and support of your team below you as well as the executives above.


Providing support for your team is arguably the most important trait of a good leader. When you show your team that you have their back, it will allow your employees to build a solid foundation of trust and respect. Make sure when you speak to these individuals one-on-one, you’re asking questions that will allow you to support and develop their career growth. Find out what motivates them and what they need to develop.


People want to know how they’re performing. Let your employees know where they stand in reference to realistic goals. Communicate your feedback and help them understand how to improve if they’re doing poorly. Lastly, don’t hesitate to ask for feedback from your team or your superiors as well.


Each and every one of your employees has a different way of learning and working. It is important to be fair and consistent, but that doesn’t mean you should guide everyone exactly the same way. Be flexible and adjust to different personalities. Some employees respond better to frequent feedback, while others would prefer a hands-off approach and communication through email is sufficient.


From Select International: Be Decisive

Employees get easily frustrated if there is no direction or decisiveness in their managers and leaders. Make decisions, set a vision, and help your employees execute that vision. When managers procrastinate on decisions it can lead to a number of negative outcomes. Your team may lose confidence in your abilities and may reduce productivity if they need the direction in order to move projects forward.

Remember, for first time managers, it’s okay if you do not have all of the answers. The support of other managers as well as your team will be enough. You were given this position because you are the best for the job. Stand up tall and be the best manager that your executives know you can be!

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Crawford Thomas RecruitingLeadership Promotion? Use these 3 tips to create a positive impact!