Attracting Top Talent through Efficient Job Posts

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

Is Your Job Post Worth a Closer Look?

Think about your day, how busy you are! Your phone is blowing up with emails, LinkedIn notifications, calendar invites, and text after text. Business Insider claims that “the typical cellphone user touches his or her phone 2,617 time every day”. That is just your average user, some folks, like myself, will touch their phone over 5,000 times in a single day. Your potential candidates are no different.

What does this have to do with finding top talent? Your job posts and marketing emails are somewhere in those thousands of cellphone touches. The trick is getting those great candidates to stop on your ad.

Follow these easy tips for a surge of candidates

The Secret is Simple

Keeping everything simple is the best practice to attract top level candidates.

Here is a list of everything you’ll need to ensure your target candidate isn’t scrolling past your job posting.

  • Job Title—An accurate job title is essential. Try to avoid titles that are too general, and make sure that the title fits the duties associated with the position.


  • Compensation—This may seem obvious, but listing a wage is an easy way to show candidates that you mean business. Make sure to research competitive compensation plans for your opening. Employers that do not list comp, typically see less applications.


  • Responsibilities—Be short, yet descriptive and give applicants a clear idea of the most important duties they’ll perform on a regular basis, but you don’t need to list every activity they might be involved with.


  • Post Length—It shouldn’t be long-winded, but you don’t want to leave out key information. Keep in mind that you can explain further details in an interview setting.

It’s Not You, It’s Me

If you’re not getting the best candidates from your own efforts, it is time to hire a recruiter.

You can benefit greatly from the services of recruiters if your job posts or ads are not getting any attention. True enough, hiring a recruiter would mean additional cost on your part. However, the benefits outweigh the costs. Whether you’re managing a small or big company, you have to determine the costs of hiring a new employee. The hiring process will usually entail direct and indirect costs. You can calculate those possible expenses and compare it to the cost of hiring a recruiter.

Crawford Thomas Recruiting is a breath of fresh air when it comes to finding a pool of excellent candidates. You’ll think we created these individuals in a lab! Which we don’t do.

Go ahead and give us a call today, a custom-tailored recruiting campaign can be full steam for you within 48 hours.


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Crawford Thomas RecruitingAttracting Top Talent through Efficient Job Posts