How Tech is Changing the Recruiting World

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

While certain things about recruiting are likely to stay the same (the importance of succinct, descriptive, enticing job descriptions, for example), many things in the recruiting landscape are changing.

This is due in large part to rapidly shifting tech. While 20 years ago resumes were on paper and interviews were carried out face-to-face, today’s technology has made the recruiting process much more flexible and personalized.

Read on to learn more.

The Rise of the Mobile Platform 

Possibly one of the largest shifts in recruiting has been the explosion of mobile. Currently, more than 178 million US citizens own smartphones. This represents a 73.6% market majority and underscores exactly why mobile optimization has been so important for recruiters in recent years.

The prevalence of mobile tech has changed the way that people search for and locate job postings. Mobile phones are ideal for visiting job boards and, as such, recruiters everywhere have had to make large changes to their job postings, optimizing everything for mobile and ensuring that their recruitment plans accommodate mobile platforms.

Changes in Employer Presence 

While 20 years ago, a job seeker would need to meet potential employers in person, today’s web-based recruitment model allows job seekers and employers to meet in a variety of settings, from social media to digital job listings. This is especially important as the millennial generation begins to take over the workforce. Millennials are the most tech-savvy generation ever and they expect to be able to interact with employers on multiple platforms. This means that employers have had to expand their presence into areas like Facebook, Twitter, and online job boards.

The Increased Importance of Relevance

When job seekers look for listings today, there’s a high likelihood that they aren’t paying attention to job postings that seem outdated. This is because today’s job seeker fully expects that job listings will be kept current and that, if they aren’t, it’s likely the position has closed. This requires employers to take a more active stance in their recruitment protocols and to ensure that information about their available positions is relevant and updated frequently.

The Rise of Targeted Advertising

One of the largest innovations in the recruitment landscape is the increased focus on targeted advertising. By using behavioral target networks, employers can ensure that their job listings are displayed to more active job seekers, thus expanding the target audience and ensuring that they are focusing on targeted reasons or skills. This extends the scope of a job posting and ensures that even passive candidates are being exposed to the listing. What’s more, targeted ads have proven effective: ads that run for 30 days or more generally earn 40-100% more views than un-targeted ads.


As tech continues to change, recruiting will continue to change as well. These innovations represent some of the largest changes to recruiting that 2015 and 2016 is certain to bring more innovation and larger shifts. To learn more about excelling at recruiting in today’s tech-based climate, contact Crawford Thomas today.

Crawford Thomas RecruitingHow Tech is Changing the Recruiting World