The Four Best Tips for Recruiting Better Candidates

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

shutterstock_263751047For recruiters operating in a competitive environment, locating a winning candidate is an exciting prospect. In addition to lowering turnover rates and producing higher-quality work, fantastic candidates can also go a long way toward boosting the overall functionality of a workplace. But finding qualified candidates isn’t always easy. Fortunately, these four tips can help you connect with outstanding talent every time you post a job opening.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Make applying easy

It’s a well-known fact: the fewer hoops to jump through during an application, the better. If your application process is so complex that applicants are forced to fill out multiple pages of detailed information before they can even submit an application, there’s a good chance that you’ll lose them to a company that offers a more streamlined experience.

To prevent this from happening, make your application process as simple as possible. While there’s nothing wrong with being detailed and thorough, it’s important to remember that your application process is a reflection of your company: if it’s cumbersome and clunky, candidates will take notice.

  1. Craft detailed job listings

All too often qualified, exemplary talent walks away from an opening because the job posting isn’t clear or offers a bad impression of the company. This is a dangerous mistake and, fortunately, it’s easy to avoid. To paint a clear picture of the position you’re offering, read through your current job listings entirely.

Each post should be well-written, easy to read, descriptive, and helpful. You should include things like the traits you’re looking for and key job requirements in order to paint a full picture for the applicant. Doing this can have a positive effect on your hiring.

  1. Get social

Now that 2016 is upon us, the influence of social media on recruiting is going to be bigger than ever before. To improve your hiring process, be sure that you’re leveraging your presence on sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Posting job openings and maintaining an active presence on these sites can help you attract better candidates.

Think of it this way: even if a job posting you list on social media doesn’t excite your immediate fans, there’s a good chance that one of them knows someone who would be perfect for the job.

  1. Keep the lines of communication open

When you’re in the interviewing and hiring process, it’s important to think in both the long- and short-term. Even if someone you’ve interviewed isn’t a great fit for a position you have open right now, it’s highly likely that they would excel at a future position within your company.

For candidates that fit this bill, ensure that you find a way to keep in touch. This can help you manage your key prospects and fill your open positions with the most qualified talent available.

While recruitment is a difficult process, keeping these four tips in mind can help ensure that you’re recruiting qualified candidates and helping your company succeed. To learn more about good recruiting practices and how they can benefit your company, contact Crawford Thomas today.

Crawford Thomas RecruitingThe Four Best Tips for Recruiting Better Candidates