Staying Productive while Working from Home

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

According to a new report by the Census Bureau, over 13 million people are working from home. That’s more than 9% of the workforce. One of our perks here at Crawford Thomas Recruiting is the ability to work from home and it can be just as – if not more – productive than in-office days. Before you pack up the desk and head home to work, take into consideration these few tips to stay productive, while working from home.

Dress for Success

You don’t need to wear a suit and tie to work from home, but you should also get up and ready just as you would for a full day in the office. It’s important to clean up, brush your teeth, get out of your pajamas, and put on something ‘business casual’ for your work from home day. If you wouldn’t wear it in front of your grandparents, you’re probably too casual.

Designate an Office Space

Call Chip and Jo from Fixer Upper, it’s time to build a home office! Just kidding, you don’t need a fancy room to match your cubical. Typically the spare bedroom or part of the living room will work. Somewhere to put a desk and necessary equipment. We suggest someplace quiet with great phone reception and away from distractions. Keep it simple, no one will be visiting you in your home office, so it’s okay if it’s not decorated with office memes and photo strips from last year’s holiday party.

Plan Your Day

Just as you should, whether you’re in the office or not, it’s important to set working hours and have achievable daily-goals. At home, it’s easy to become distracted by other necessary chores like dishes and laundry. Setting work hours will ensure you’re at your desk and available to managers and co-workers whom may need something from you during the day. Remember, you’re at home to work and produce for your employer, don’t give them any reason to feel as though you’re taking advantage of them while you’re out of the office.

Working from home allows the employee to feel a bit of freedom and flexibility. It eliminates the stress filled atmosphere of the office and allows you to work at your own pace. Check with your managers regularly to ensure you’re at or above where you need to be for the week. Keeping an open line of communication is a major factor for working from home.

We encourage you to plan your day, dress for success, and create a designated office space to keep yourself on track and producing during your work from home days.

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Crawford Thomas RecruitingStaying Productive while Working from Home