3 Signs that You Are Recruiting a Great Fit for Your Company Culture

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

When recruiting new prospects to join a team, finding a good fit within your current company culture can make the difference between a happy and productive team member and a misplaced, unhappy employee. The difficulty for Austin headhunters and recruiters is to find the subtle signs that point towards a good culture fit. Here are our 3 key signs to look for throughout the recruiting process that can help to point out whether or not your new prospective employee could contribute to your team effort in the long-term.

  1. Personal Beliefs and Values

A person’s beliefs or values will usually follow them wherever they go. In many cases, it can be difficult for passionate employees to separate their personal beliefs and values with their professional lives. In many cases, it isn’t advisable. A good company culture fit can help employee retention and long-term job satisfaction. So understanding the prospect’s personal beliefs and values is a good place to start. Of course, religious and political views may not be as relevant, nor may they be appropriate to discuss in interview. However, other professionally relevant values and beliefs do underpin a person’s decision making and motivation to perform in their role.

  1. Their Drivers and Preferred Reward Systems

A company culture usually forms around what the management and team value as reward for great performance. If financial reward is the language of great work, then you’ll want to be sure that your new prospect also values financial rewards. If recognition is important for the recruit, but this doesn’t yet fit within your company culture, you may find that you don’t get the most from that recruit. We all have different motivations at work, so make sure that your company is the kind of place that your new recruit can thrive and feel fulfilled.

  1. Their Preferred Way of Working

You’ll have a good idea about how your new prospect prefers to work by their experience and past professional achievements. Their CV is a great place to start. You can then ask probing questions to dig deeper into how they achieved the professional success that they enjoyed. You may want to find out the answer to the following questions. Do they prefer to work alone or as a team?Do they tend to prefer to work within a large scale business as part of a larger team, or do they prefer to lead small teams? Are they entrepreneurial or do they prefer a larger, corporate structure? Although many recruits can be flexible and adapt to a new way of working that they are not used to. However, there will always be an element of risk that your new recruit feels that the environment is right for them if they have to make a completely different change.

Crawford Thomas Recruiting3 Signs that You Are Recruiting a Great Fit for Your Company Culture