Prepare to Hire for the New Year

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

He’s making a list, he’s checking it twice

Making a list of objectives is the best way to track a successful recruiting process. Believe it or not, December is one of the best months to recruit top level candidates. Imagine, these individuals are at home using up their last bit of PTO. They’re deciding whether or not they’re going to update their resume for the new year. Maybe it’s time for a change in their professional life. This is your chance, as an employer, to pounce on a great new candidate! But not so fast, you’ll need to prepare for the hiring process.

Below you’ll find our preparation guide.

Proof read your Job Descriptions

First thing you’ll need to prepare is your job description. Have at least two people read over your latest job post to ensure quality and accuracy. According to “A prime requirement is to have, not just adequate job descriptions for your campaign, but excellent, detailed and well written job descriptions that clearly define your needs, the role and the qualities of the people required. This enables you to make objective selection decisions, rather than having to continually rely on ‘gut feelings’.”

Don’t be so Anti-Social Media

As a company, you’ll need to prepare an online presence. A sharp website is great, but this is 2017 (almost 2018) and companies need a social media personality. Update your Company LinkedIn, add a Facebook Page, create a Business Instagram, Tweet from your corporate Twitter. These are all of the platforms that candidates are looking at when they do a quick search on your company’s background. If you’re missing information or you haven’t posted any content in months, that affects your chances to lure in a great candidate. Don’t neglect your company’s Google and Indeed reviews. Those are typically the first ratings a candidate will come across when looking for feedback.

The Candidate Experience

Now that we’re approaching the new year, preparing for an updated hiring process can be tricky. You’ll want to ask some of your top producing employees for their opinion on the current interview process. This is very important! As a hiring manager, you must remain open-minded regarding the candidate experience. I have seen an extreme uptick in the way candidates take to social media and other platforms to relate a good or bad interview processes. The key here is to provide quick feedback. It doesn’t have to be detailed, but we live in a world where everything is instant, so you’ll want give candidates an expectation of when they will hear back. Good or bad, candidates will need some type of follow up within 24 hours of their first interview.

Preparation for any process is key, preparing your job descriptions, updating social media content, and reviewing your interview process are three easy and necessary steps to providing the best candidate experience. The question is, who has time for all of that?

Crawford Thomas Recruiting

Now that you have the short list of hiring prep, how do you put it all together? Crawford Thomas Recruiting is the one and only answer. We have an amazing team of Recruiters and Account Managers to oversee each Job Description to ensure accuracy and quality. That Job Description is then implemented into our software and presented to qualified candidates nationwide. Our Social Media Program is top level as we post content on a regular basis and “Keep up with the Jones’ on all of our platforms. Providing a great candidate experience is our main priority, whether it’s an internal candidate or your next hire, we work alongside of the best candidates in the field to ensure our clients are receiving the top shelf employees.

As an employer, you should know that Crawford Thomas Recruiting will take all of the stress and busy-work out of hiring. Our account managers will be here to assist with the interview process and our recruiters are here for candidates, so we’re able to screen, schedule, and prepare them for a great career at your company!

Preparing to hire for the new year starts today. Having this list as a guide will help with a recruiting process. Using Crawford Thomas Recruiting will ensure a successful campaign!

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Crawford Thomas RecruitingPrepare to Hire for the New Year