Back to Basics: The Thank You Note

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

There are so many questions surrounding the post interview thank you note. When should I write a thank you note? Can I send an email instead of written letter? Do I write one after every meeting or phone call? Do I even need to send one?

Let’s cover the answer to each question and look over a few tips when writing these notes.

Do I even need to send one?

Yes. Moving on.

Do I write one after every meeting or phone call?

Yes. It is important to show your appreciation for the hiring manager’s or HR rep’s time by sending a short “thank you” after each conversation.

Can I send an email rather than written note?

Yes. Welcome to the new age, snail mail is a thing of the past.

When should I write a thank you note?

Same day is the best day. As soon as you’re in a comfortable spot after your interview, send the thank you email. This could be as soon as 10 minutes after, but should not exceed a few hours. The key is to remain on the manager’s radar for as long as possible post interview.

Here are 3 tips to writing the best thank you note.

  1. Don’t sell yourself again. You have already won them over or completely bombed, either way, no need to re-sell your experiences again via email.
  2. Keep it simple. Thank you emails should take around 10-15 seconds to read, after that time, you’ll lose attention and it may be too wordy. Thanking him/her for their time and reiterating interest in the role will suffice.
  3. Make the email about the recipient, for example: “It was great meeting with you today”. Rather than “I enjoyed our meeting”.


Example Note:

Dear, NAME,

Thank you for your time. COMPANY NAME is highly impressive for its leadership, values and company culture. Excited about the opportunity and look forward to next steps!

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Crawford Thomas RecruitingBack to Basics: The Thank You Note