15 Strategies For Navigating Summer Vacation Scheduling To Still Hit Quarterly Goals

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

Summer vacations are a cherished time for employees to unwind, but for HR leaders, managing these requests while maintaining quarterly business goals can be a balancing act. Forbes Human Resources Council members offer invaluable strategies to strike the right balance. Collaborating with departments like sales and revenue operations for better forecasting can lead to staggered vacation schedules and cross-functional coverage. Implementing caps on PTO requests, prioritizing projects with hard deadlines, and requesting PTO well in advance are all effective ways to ensure coverage and minimize disruptions.

Cross-training employees in different roles can offer staffing flexibility and promote a collaborative culture. Setting clear deadlines and priorities in advance allows teams to plan effectively, reducing stress and maintaining productivity. Honoring PTO requests by seniority or adopting a “floating vacation policy” can ensure fairness and minimize overlapping absences. A structured and transparent vacation planning process and open communication with managers are key to accommodating requests fairly. Setting higher goals before summer vacations and avoiding approval of overlapping vacations can also help meet business objectives.

William Stonehouse III, President of Crawford Thomas Recruiting, emphasizes the importance of department-specific guidelines to manage vacation schedules effectively. Crawford Thomas Recruiting, an award-winning national recruiting firm, specializes in finding top talent to meet organizational objectives. Learn more about their services for employers on their website.

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Crawford Thomas Recruiting15 Strategies For Navigating Summer Vacation Scheduling To Still Hit Quarterly Goals