How to Work With Orlando Headhunters

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

Orlando headhunters

About 43% of open positions at a company take 30 days or less to fill.

But what about those positions at your company that you just can’t seem to fill?

Even though an average of about 118 people apply for every job, there are still close to 6 million jobs available in the United States today.

This means that your “dream candidate” may be offering their services to another company – and that company could be your competition.

If you’re tired of seeing dead-end candidates, are exhausted from interviewing countless applicants, and want to spend less of your workday on filling a position, it’s time to work with Orlando headhunters.

Whether you’re a manager or an HR professional, this guide will tell you how to work with headhunters.

What Do Orlando Headhunters Do?

First of all, it’s important that you understand what they can offer you.

Headhunters take preventative action to make sure that open positions at your company are filled – often even before they are listed on any job market.

So, that long-term opening we talked about at the start of this article? Headhunters help you to avoid that frustrating situation altogether, or they help get it filled faster.


Because headhunters get into contact with people who aren’t looking for jobs at the moment. For example, they look at the top producers, most well-known employees, or even those that they feel would be a perfect position, regardless of their current employment status.

For example, they look at the top producers, most well-known employees, or even those that they feel would be a perfect position, regardless of their current employment status.

Sometimes, the best person for the job is currently working somewhere else. It’s up to Orlando headhunters to encourage them to make the switch to your business.

What’s The Process Like?

How do these headhunters find qualified candidates?

Social Media

First of all, you’re probably not too surprised to learn that social media, especially LinkedIn, is a huge help. In fact, social media has completely changed how the headhunting game works.

Before, they had to basically chip away at getting the information they wanted secondhand – think gossip at office cocktail parties or even newspaper articles about particularly successful employees.

But now, pretty much everyone lists their professional history online for everyone to see!

In addition to LinkedIn, headhunters may also read entries and articles in online professional journals, where lots of qualified employees write and reveal their professional insight.

Databases From Past Applications

Of course, if an applicant is currently in the job market, their resume is likely posted on several job boards, and headhunters can read them there.

However, if an applicant uploaded their resume online in the past, these headhunters likely have used software to store the information on their resume.

Keep in mind though, that sometimes the contact information contained in these resumes can be outdated. So, give the headhunter you’re working with a little time to find the candidate!

By Getting Creative

Of course, sometimes combing through online listings isn’t enough. When you’re looking for Orlando headhunters, you need to make sure you’re working with a firm that’s willing to go above and beyond to get you your dream candidate.

Sometimes, headhunters will need to go “undercover” to find the perfect person for your position.

This means that they’ll go into the offices of businesses similar to your own, and ask questions about the person who does the job you’re looking to fill.

This is a pretty standard practice, so don’t be alarmed.

A headhunter may also go to industry events, job fairs, and public talks about trends in your industry, and speak to people there.

When Should I Use A Headhunting Service?

There are lots of reasons and situations when companies should consider working with a headhunter.

First of all, if the position you need to fill is within a niche market, a bit unusual, and has very specific requirements, you likely know firsthand just how much of a challenge finding the right applicant can be.

A headhunter can certainly help you to speed up the process, but their services can also give you multiple applicants. That way, you don’t have to automatically go with the first person who comes along just because they have the skill set the position requires.

With an agency, you can have your pick of the litter.

Also, if you feel like your office is a little bit too homogenous – that there’s not enough diversity of skill set, opinion, and even background – it’s a great time to get in touch with a headhunter.

Even as an HR Professional, it can be hard to find the perfect “blend” of personalities and talents in your office. A headhunter can help.

Finally, if you’ve noticed that your turnover rate has increased in the past few years, it’s time to call in a headhunter. Not only will they help to screen out candidates that aren’t in it for the long haul, but they’ll also be able to offer you advice about how to tweak your job posting to find better candidates.

Not only will they help to screen out candidates that aren’t in it for the long haul, but they’ll also be able to offer you advice about how to tweak your job posting to find better candidates.

Ready To Work With The Top Orlando Headhunters?

When you just can’t do another day of interviews, it’s time to call in the services of a headhunting professional in the Orlando area.

That’s where we come in.

As the top Orlando headhunters, we know that the future of your company rests on the people you choose to hire – and we want to do everything we can to make sure that your company has a bright future.

With over a decade of experience in the headhunting industry, we know how to get you the ideal candidate in any economic or job market.

Don’t settle for anything less than the best. Get in touch with us today, and together let’s finally find a long-term solution for your toughest openings.

Crawford Thomas RecruitingHow to Work With Orlando Headhunters