7 Ways to Make Better Hires According to LinkedIn

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

Orlando headhunters

Hiring new talent is the number 1 most important task at any company. In a recent article by LinkedIn Blog writer, Lou Adler, he explains that there were “6.7 million job openings in July 2018, which exceeded the number of people looking for work, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Yet despite this, every job board says it can deliver these missing people with a free or low-cost posting.”

While job boards are a great resource for companies to post their openings, it is rare to have a candidate with a perfect match apply to those roles. This is not a new problem. Lou tells his readers that the solution to these hiring issues comes from within the company, and not the job boards.

Here are 7 ways to make better hires, according to LinkedIn.

1. Think of hiring as a business system, not independent steps

If all of the steps in hiring (e.g., posting, sourcing, interviewing, recruiting and negotiating offers) aren’t designed from the perspective of how the best people find jobs and accept offers, you won’t hire too many.

2. Don’t let bad hiring managers have responsibility for hiring

If hiring managers aren’t making great hires 75% of the time, why should they be allowed to continue to hire people? Allowing them to handle this critical task is comparable to assigning your worst engineers, sales reps, accountants, marketing people, executives, etc., to handle your most important work.

3. Think acquaintances, not strangers

When we hire or promote someone we know, his/her performance is highly predictable. More importantly, we decide to hire him/her based on past performance, team skills, work ethic, reliability, and potential to grow. Strangers need to be evaluated the same way.

4. Redefine “qualified” to open the doors to more diverse and stronger talent

Instead of a must-have laundry list of requirements, define the job as 5-6 KPOs (Key Performance Objectives). Performance qualified means the person has done comparable work. Making this shift is how you remove the lid on quality of hire since the best people always have a different mix of skills and experiences.

5. Think Outbound, not Inbound (our favorite) 

Inbound means the person applied to a job posting. Outbound means the person was found, recruited, interviewed, and hired. Since 80% of the talent market is not looking, it does not take a marketing genius to suggest you need to spend most of your recruiting and sourcing efforts on the Outbound talent market.

6. AI for Outbound recruiting is not ready for prime time

Regardless of the hype, recognize that AI is only good for screening Inbound talent. AI for Outbound talent requires more complex algorithms. These need to embed the decision-making process of diverse and high potential performers who have multiple options from first contact to the final close.

7. Eliminate bias and thumbs

Don’t let anyone have a full vote on whom to hire. Instead, use a performance-based interview that narrows the role of each interviewer to a subset of the factors that best predict on-the-job success.


Crawford Thomas Recruiting is the easiest, fastest, and smartest way to reinvent your hiring process. If you’re not using a recruiting and staffing agency, and you’re finding yourself with open positions for weeks at a time with no candidates, give us a call. We’ll link-up to your current HR team and assist to fill those hard to find candidates!

original article here

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Crawford Thomas Recruiting7 Ways to Make Better Hires According to LinkedIn