Developing your Personal Brand

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

According to the Blog Marketing Academy, “Personal branding” is a bit of a buzzword these days. Many claim to be experts on it even though the subject isn’t really that complicated at all.

It is simply the art of creating a recognizable brand around yourself. The goals are:

  1. Be recognized whenever the brand is seen.
  2. Have that brand represent certain ideas in the minds of the viewer.

Most of you reading this will think, I don’t need a personal brand. The truth of it is, anyone, anywhere, any day could go viral online. It’s important to know how to utilize your personal brand and display a voice that matches your personality. Your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other platforms are your current Personal Brand.

One of Forbes’ top social marketing influencers, Jeff Bullas, says, “It’s best to get a jump start on developing your brand with these suggestions below.”

Here are 26 tips for creating a powerful personal brand online.

  1. Be authentic
  2. Launch your platform online with a blog or website
  3. Create content
  4. Define your audience
  5. Build an email list
  6. Focus
  7. Memorable design
  8. Help others
  9. Seek out online influencers
  10. Join online groups
  11. Use keywords and phrases that people will use on Google to find you and your topic
  12. Learn to use Linkedin effectively
  13. Get to understand how media works both online and offline
  14. Network
  15. Opine – State your opinion
  16. Photo – create a visual brand with a great caricature or photo of “you”
  17. Ask questions
  18. Recognise people who have helped you – Shine the light on others
  19. Create a memorable slogan that expresses your mission and purpose
  20. Teach
  21. Understand and use emotional triggers
  22. Develop your unique voice
  23. Get to understand the essence of influence. Dale Carnegie’s book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” is a good place to start.
  24. Examine and analyze your analytics to see what works and doesn’t
  25. Forget about you and remember its all about your readers and viewers
  26. Have zeal (also known as passion)

Above all, create content that people want to see. I am the marketing manager at Crawford Thomas Recruiting, one of my key responsibilities is to pump content on our social media platforms that matches the Crawford Thomas Brand. My personal brand is going to look and feel different than that of a large recruiting and staffing firm.

Your personal brand should speak volumes about yourself. More and more employers are googling candidates before they’re hired to see what their personal brand looks like. What does yours look like?

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Crawford Thomas RecruitingDeveloping your Personal Brand