How to Recruit and Retain Great Sales Reps

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

Sales recruiting should not feel like a revolving door. Let’s talk about landing top talent and then retaining those great sales reps.

In years past the ability to retain sales employees is on the low side of the scale. In a study conducted by Glassdoor, “of 1,000 employed professionals interviewed, 68 percent said they were seeking a new job within the year ahead.” This is not very shocking, if you work in the sales industry. Most men and women agree that salary and compensation are standard driving factors to job changes.

The questions that need to be answered, how do you recruit these top sales reps and how do you keep them happy at your company?

How to recruit top sales employees

First strategy is always use a recruiting firm like Crawford Thomas. We’re able to take all of the busy work out of the process. We’ll submit candidates that meet and exceed your expectations, so that you’re able to focus on interviewing and not sourcing.

Recruiting sales candidates is an ongoing process. Even now in 2018, while unemployment is very low, sales candidates are always looking for more money, and better opportunities. It’s always good to maintain a pipeline of potential hires. We at Crawford Thomas Recruiting always suggest bringing additional sales reps on board to ensure you’re at head count. Don’t wait until top salespeople leave to hurriedly hire their replacements. Otherwise, those hired might be merely be the talent available rather than individuals who are truly a great fit for the organization.

How to retain top sales employees

This one carries a lot of answers, so the question is, are you willing to keep your sales reps? A suggestion from Crawford Thomas Recruiting, listen to your employees. Ask them how they’re doing. If you’re a leader in your company, make time to talk to your employees, especially the sales employees that are bringing in lots of new business. The last thing you want is for them to leave and bring in business at a competitor. Put yourself in their shoes every now and then and ask yourself, would you be happy here? Would you be happy with the pay, benefits, incentives? Or would you ask if leadership could be doing more?

Glassdoor recently found a gender discrepancy among sales professionals in what they value in a compensation package. Women in sales report prioritizing health care benefits and company perks above the commission, which is the second most valued element among their male counterparts.

Retaining great sales reps is tough, as an employer, you could do everything in your power to prevent employees from leaving, and they still might. The first and most important step to retaining your sales team, is to make sure you know what makes them happy and unhappy.

Crawford Thomas Recruiting specializes in sales recruitment. Our nationwide team of sales recruiters is ready to start filling your openings. If you don’t think you have any openings to fill, make sure to have a pipeline of qualified back up candidates as well.

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Crawford Thomas RecruitingHow to Recruit and Retain Great Sales Reps