The 2018 Job Market, According to Forbes

Crawford Thomas Recruiting Blog

We have covered hiring trends from Career Builder and Monster, but what about a Forbes?

The Job Market in 2018 will feel slightly different from years past, being that unemployment is lower than it’s been since 2000. Don’t worry recruiters, there are still plenty of job seekers ready to make a move, and plenty of companies playing musical chairs with employees. New businesses are popping up left and right as our country continues a massive growth spurt. The Tech Market is booming, Salary increases are on the horizon, and best of all, this year is all about you and your future.

It’s important to remember that these are predictions.

Let’s begin with the most popular topic in today’s Job Market, Artificial Intelligence.

Will AI Steal Everyone’s Job This Year?

The short answer is “No”. The longer answer is, “Not Yet”. Whether you drive a Tesla or not, AI is everywhere. Marissa Peretz Founder of Silicon Beach Talent explains the trends of AI: Artificial Intelligence already has a profound effect on your day to day life, but you will probably continue to not notice much of a difference, especially in 2018. Regarding the job market, creative and management jobs are still largely unaffected by AI. In fact, this technology has created new opportunities in the fields of self driving cars, hardware, and biotech.

That, of course, leaves a ton of other industries. One in particular comes to mind with the soft opening of Amazon’s new Amazon Go, a convenience store with no cashiers, no lines, no hassle. It should definitely be noted that the cashier vertical could be one of the first to diminish. Again, like I said, these are predictions. Although this one may not be as much of a hypothesis as others.

Money is the Persuasion

More money for all. Well, not everyone. The prediction here is that wages will increase. Statistically, unemployment is lower, meaning those who are in-fact looking to make a career move are going to ask for more money, and employers will pay up. “Candidates who are excellent at programming and user experience (UX) designers of all kinds will have their pick of lucrative opportunities if they are up for making a move,” said Elatia Abate, entrepreneur and former Global Director, Talent Acquisition Dow Jones & Wall Street Journal and Anheuser-Busch InBev. “All of this is thanks to the perfect storm of low unemployment and accelerated need for these kinds of professionals.”

His and Her Salary

The prediction: We will make large strides towards compensation equality between everyone. If 2017 was the year we realized we still have a problem with workplace bias, 2018 could be the year to fix it. “Corporate headlines in 2017 painted a clear picture: gender inequality remains a hot issue everywhere from Silicon Valley to the silver screen,” said Jewell Parkinson, Head of HR at SAP North America. “The conversation these stories sparked has raised awareness for change – and in 2018, companies will take proactive measures to demonstrate greater transparency to show, rather than tell, how they’re building cultures that are part of the solution.”

Your career in 2018 is really up to you

Marissa says it best, “We live in an age of increased availability of information. We can read reviews of companies before we interview, we can study emerging industries and apply for jobs that really make an impact. Job Seekers can easily find a recruiter or an insider to give us honest insight about a company’s culture and structure. We can even find a calculator to determine how an offer might be impacted by the new 2018 tax laws. However, the more things change, the more some things stay the same. Your career success in 2018 will still depend on the human relationships you build and the work product you create. Those are timeless.”


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Crawford Thomas RecruitingThe 2018 Job Market, According to Forbes