Forbes says, The renowned Aretha Franklin sung about it, but everyone – and I do mean everyone – wants some of it. We want respect in our personal lives and in our professional lives as well. We want to be appreciated for the work we do and to get proper recognition for our contributions. When our colleagues respect us, they take us more seriously and view us as professionals who get things done in the right way while applying professional standards and ethics. If you want to be respected more by your boss, your staff or your colleagues, you absolutely must do these seven things consistently.

Full article here.
1. Apologize for what you get wrong but not for who you are or what you accomplish.
2. Have the audacity to point out what’s not working and the diligence to propose methods that will.
3. Treat other people the way they want to be treated rather than the way you want to be treated.
4. Ask more questions and remain open to new ideas.
5. Make your needs a priority, and deal with conflict even when it’s uncomfortable.
6. Be courageous enough to ask for help and invite critique from others.
7. Do the right thing even when it will cost more than you want to pay.
Just take a hard look at your behaviors and assess whether your actions may be diminishing the respect you garner from others. People advance professionally for many reasons, and commanding respect is certainly one of them.
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