Unemployment rate is at an all time low, which gives candidates an endless number of opportunities. Moving slow is not only a waste of resources but could also lead to a missed opportunity for great candidates.

If you learn nothing else from this article, take away this one point: when you find a person that fits your hiring criteria, make the offer, get them on your team quickly, so they can support achieving your company’s goals. Don’t procrastinate. Don’t find reasons to delay. Good people that fit your specific requirements take time to find, will not wait forever, and are often scarce. Now that we have your attention, continue reading to learn how to create that sense of urgency.
Try limiting the length of your interview process. To do this, consider accomplishing each interview step within 1-2 days. Identify your top few candidates and establish a schedule that includes every decision maker. This will allot the necessary one-on-one time for everyone with the candidate and require a decision from each party almost immediately. By condensing your process, you will be able to fill your position faster and be a step ahead of your competitors.
Companies that hire with a sense of urgency, are increasing their competitive advantage. Companies that don’t recognize the value and potential waste of time and effort will fall behind. Don’t be that company that gets the perfect candidate excited, then leave them hanging while you inquire from others for their opinion. All while the next company is using their sense of urgency to hire your candidate.
Keep it simple. If your recruiter has delivered a group of qualified candidates, now is not the time to be overly picky. Hire fast and train well.
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